{In this poem, I've tried to compare the different times & situations of human life with the camouflage master - chameleons! I feel like times change their colors just as chameleons do.}
Times are the greatest chameleons I've ever known.
Times are like reptiles,
Bad ones will creep for miles,
Good ones will soar airborne.
Times are the greatest chameleons I've ever known.
Don't try to shoo them away,
They'll set your life astray!
Just observe them don't leave'em alone,
Times are the greatest chameleons I've ever known.
Some will scorch your brains,
Some will make you smile even in the rains.
Even the ugliest have beauty of their own,
Times are the greatest chameleons I've ever known.
Some beg to differ from their trait,
Some are referred as “bad fate".
Some would scare you till you moan,
Times are the greatest chameleons I've ever known!
Some are old while some are new,
Some of them could horrify the guts in you.
But none will show colors which they've already shown,
As I said,
Times are the greatest chameleons I have ever known!
—Adityaa Wagh
20 Aug '15
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